“Gender differences campaign”

I. Organization defined: The Kamloops Youth Soccer Association is a volunteer organization that is dedicated to offering youth in Kamloops a positive, fun soccer environment at the recreational and competitive levels with coaches who are dedicated to the players and their development while at the same time promoting sportsmanship and fellowship amongst all its members.

II. Mission Statement: Training mind, bodies and individuals for the remodelling of the community.

Services: Both competitive and recreational levels of play with volunteers and staff who are dedicated to the players and their development while at the same time promoting sportsmanship and fellowship among our members.

Population served: Primary: Boys and Girls from the age of 4 to adults. Secondary: New and experienced adult players.

About the campaign: The KYSA is hosting a gender difference workshop and campaign. There is growing concern that girls are not participating in sport and physical activity as much as, or for as long as, boys. To help address this gender gap issue, Sport for Life is leading a BC Initiative which focuses on training community coaches and mentors on the specific needs and interests of girls ages 8 to 12 in order to better engage them in sport and physical activity.  

The Kamloops Youth Soccer Association is proud to be hosting Dr. Vicky Harber for two workshops delivered over two days to leaders who are, or plan to be, working with/coaching girls in and around this age range.  

III. Defined Audience:


  • Employees
  • Organizers
  • Coaches
  • Gender Gap project ambassadors

Targeted Audience:

  • 8-12 years old and 35-50 years old (parents and mentors).
  • Coaches who work with girls between the ages 8-12.
  • Have a want to be involved in the project
  • Are supportive that girls are meant for sports as well as boys.

Where: The project is going to take place at the Valleyview Community Hall (2288 Park Drive, Kamloops – next to Marion Schilling Elementary School).

When: Friday, November 27th 6:30pm to 9:00pm) & Saturday, November 28th (9:00am to 11:30am).

The KYSA will use multiple media outlets, including the internet, their website, social media and radio to give updates about the workshops and gather information through surveys to know what the community thinks. Surveying is an important component of this initiative, and the community’s feedback is valuable. 

Strategic Plan Timeline (Calendar):

Dates for Blog posts about the campaign:

The first blog post will be posted before the campaign starts on November 23rd.

Significance: To give a broader knowledge to our audience about every detail the campaign and workshop is about.

The second blog post will be posted after the workshop happens on Sunday, November 29th.

Significance: To get feedback from the attendees about future workshops over this and many other matters.

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